{{lang == 'en_US' ? 'You can use the Boolean Operators AND, OR, and NOT within search fields. By default, an AND relationship is assumed between search terms unless another operator is specified.' : '可以在搜索字段中使用布尔运算符AND、OR和NOT。默认情况下,除非指定了另一个运算符,否则在搜索项之间假设“与”关系。'}}
{{lang == 'en_US' ? 'Searching for authors' : '搜索作者'}}
{{lang == 'en_US' ? 'To search for multiple authors, separate each author name with either AND or OR. Using AND will search for content that has been co-authored by the authors. Using OR will search for content that has been authored by either of the authors.' : '要搜索多个作者,请使用AND或or分隔每个作者名称。使用并将搜索由作者合著的内容。使用或将搜索由任一作者编写的内容。'}}
{{lang == 'en_US' ? 'Searching for phrases' : '搜索短语'}}
{{lang == 'en_US' ? 'Search for the exact match of the phrase, and the matching priority is title, abstract and text.' : '搜索该短语的精确匹配,匹配优先度为标题、摘要、正文。'}}
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