Chetaev and His Two Classic Textbooks
摘要:切塔耶夫被誉为“20世纪最伟大的俄罗斯力学家”。本文简要概述他的职业生涯。总结他在运动稳定性理论和分析力学方面的主要贡献。介绍他的两部经典教材《运动的稳定性》和《理论力学》的主要内容,并分析其特点。Abstract:Chetaev is acclaimed as “the greatest mechanical scientist in Russia in the 20th century”. His career is briefly surreyed. His main contributions to stability theory and analytical mechanics are summarized. The contents his classic textbooks Stability of Motionand Theoretical Mechanicsare presented with the analysis on their features.