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程玉民, 稽醒, 贺鹏飞. 动态断裂力学的无限相似边界元法[J]. 力学学报, 2004, 36(1). DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-2004-1-2002-125
引用本文: 程玉民, 稽醒, 贺鹏飞. 动态断裂力学的无限相似边界元法[J]. 力学学报, 2004, 36(1). DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-2004-1-2002-125
INFINITE SIMILAR BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHOD FOR DYNAMIC FRACTURE MECHANICS[J]. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2004, 36(1). DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-2004-1-2002-125
Citation: INFINITE SIMILAR BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHOD FOR DYNAMIC FRACTURE MECHANICS[J]. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2004, 36(1). DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-2004-1-2002-125



  • 摘要: 对弹性动力学的相似边界元法进行了进一步研究,推导了相应的计算公式,并在此基础上提出了动态断裂力学的无限相似边界元法. 与传统的边界元法相比,相似边界元法由于只需在少数单元上进行数值积分,大大减少了计算量. 对动态断裂力学问题,无限相似边界元法由于在裂纹尖端的边界上设置了逼近于裂纹尖端的无限个相似边界单元,可直接得到裂纹尖端具有奇异性的应力,而不需要设置奇异单元,从而突破了奇异单元对应力奇异性阶次的局限. 另外,还讨论了无限相似边界元法得到的无限阶的线性代数方程组的求解方法.


    Abstract: In the conventional boundary element method, in order toobtain the last algebraic equation system a large number of integralsmust be calculated numerically on all boundary elements and internalcells so that a large amount of computing time is needed. If we canform similar boundary elements on the boundary and obtain the relationof the matrices on the similar boundary elements, it is not needed toobtain the matrices on all elements by numerical integrals, then agreat amount of numerical integrals will be decreased. In this paper,similar boundary element method (SBEM) for elastodynamic problems isdiscussed in detail. Similar boundary elements are classified and theirproperties are discussed. The interpolation method to obtain thematrices on the similar boundary elements is presented and the formulaeof the method are obtained. In similar boundary element method, theboundary is represented with some sub-domains on which the boundaryelements are similar. Then on a sub-domain of the boundary we only needto compute the matrices on a few boundary elements by numericalintegrals, and the ones on all other boundary elements can be obtainedby the interpolation method. Then superimposing the matrices on allboundary elements the coefficient matrix of the last algebraic equationsystem can be obtained. Comparing with the conventional boundaryelement method that the matrices on all boundary elements are obtainedindependently by numerical integrals, similar boundary element methodcan decrease the computing time to a great extent, and the solution isin total agreement with the one from the conventional boundary elementmethod. To obtain the singular stress at the tip of a dynamic crack,infinite similar boundary element method (ISBEM) is presented. In themethod the similar boundary element sub-domain at the tip of the crackcontains infinite similar boundary elements. From infinite similarboundary element method, the singular stress at the tip of a crack canbe obtained directly, but the singular boundary element is not neededand the degree of singular stress is not assumed. For some materialsthat we do not know the degree of singular stress at the tip of a crack,infinite similar boundary element method can be applied better than theconventional boundary element method does. In this method the numbersof boundary elements and nodes are infinite, so an infinite orderlinear algebraic equation system is formed, and then the numericalmethod for this infinite order system is discussed. For a problem withan irregular domain, we can use the curvilinear coordinate system onthe boundary of the domain, and then similar boundary element methodand infinite similar boundary element method presented in this papercan be applied too. Similar boundary element method can be applied toother problems which can be solved with the conventional boundaryelement method, and infinite similar boundary element method can beapplied to other crack problems.


