Vibration control of multi-mode flexible structure based on hybrid extra-insensitive shaper
The modal experiment of flexible structures is so complexthat it is difficult and unrealistic to get the accurate frequency anddamping of the structures in engineering. The parameters will change becauseof the variations of the external environment and disturbance even if theparameters can be measured. Therefore, it is necessary to design a shaperthat is robust to system parameters. In this paper, a new hybridExtra-Insensitive(EI) input shaping method based on zero-placement technique(ZPT) is presented. Based on the deviation value points, the ZV shaper basedon ZPT is changed into EI or ZVD shaper easily, but the quantity of impulsesand delay time do not increase. From the principle of deviation valuepoints, the higher hybrid EI shaper and Multi-EI shaper are designed and theincreasing amplitude of the robustness is much larger than the increasingamplitude of delay time. At last, the vibration of multi-mode flexiblestructure is suppressed using the EI shaper through the periodicity ofshaper. This method make the quantity of impulse reduce largely, while makethe delay time change little. The simulations validate the present shaper.